Friday, May 28, 2010

Clean room

Ok, so you would never know Jonathan liked a clean room if you looked in the living room, there are toys ALL over the floor. But, he HAS to have his bedroom clean (which is fine with me, I hope he keeps it up!). Before he can go to bed, all the small toys have to be put in his bucket, and the others put in the right spot. He did that today a little before naptime. But he missed one (a stuffed bunny). I had already put him in bed and was saying goodnight and shutting the door before I saw it. So I decided to leave it, and hoped he would go to sleep and not notice it. Nope... I went downstairs and soon heard over the baby monitor, "Put it away! Put it away!" So I went back upstairs, opened the door, and he points to the bunny and says, "Put away?" I said, "You wanted me to come all the way back here to put away your bunny??" And he smiled, and said, "Yes!"  So I put it away for him and he laid back down, and is sleeping as I write this. What a funny kid :)

1 comment:

Sharlee said...

Hahaha :) A little OCD huh J?!!? That's hilarious! I love it!

Love you!