Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Ohh for the past week, I have been sick. Really sick. (I wish that was a good excuse for me not keeping up with my blog! haha....) Jonathan and I both got sick with colds, but luckily he was better in a couple days. However, its taking me a little bit longer to recover! I actually don't know how he got by without being as sick as I am, but I am glad for it.

Nathan got a part-time job at Western Oregon University, so he is attending school there as well. He just started on Monday. He is in his junior year, and I cannot wait for him to be done!

Jonathan woke up a couple days ago, completely grown out of his 2T clothes. It was amazing. Just overnight it seemed like his clothes shrunk! He is growing fast, and in his 3T clothes, he looks like such a big boy. I'm a little sad about it, but I love seeing him grow and learn about everything around him. Right now he LOVES dinosaurs and Dr. Suess books. His two favorite tv shows go along the same lines too. Dinosaur Train and The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That are ones he wants to watch everyday. And I let him watch those- He has learned a lot about dinosaurs just from watching Dinosaur Train. He can identify the Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, knows what herbivores and carnivores are, and can tell me which ones are herbivores. What a smart kid I have! ;)

Anyways, I am done with my update, and need to go back to bed. Being sick has made me not able to sleep much, hopefully I stop all this coughing soon!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a GREAT Shopping Trip!

I was so excited to go shopping today. Why? Because I got quite a few things for CHEAP/FREE!  Last week, Rachel and I got rainchecks for kraft shredded cheese, because all the Fred Meyers were out. Theres a catalina that goes with it so I ended up paying a total of $1.50 for 15 bags of shredded cheese! (I know, I know, that sounds like a lot. But with the amount of cheese our family uses, and the cheap price-and knowing I can freeze shredded cheese- its a great price. Here's the scenario:

Buy 5 Kraft shredded cheese, 1.50 each
use (2) $1/2 cheese coupons
Pay 5.50
get a $5 dollar catalina
Roll the catalina to the next transaction, and pay $0.50 for the next 5 cheeses
After transactions, end up with a $5 catalina to spend on your next shopping trip!

I saved 56.85 with this deal.
For those of you wanting to save money on kraft items thru the middle of August, here is the Catalina information:
Buy 5 participating Kraft Items, between 7/19 – 8/15 and receive $5 on your next order

  • Kraft Singles
  • Kraft Parmesan cheese
  • Kraft Natural cheese
  • Kraft String-Ums cheese
  • Kraft Cracker Cuts cheese
  • Kraft Deli-Deluxe cheese slices
  • Philadelphia Cream cheese
  • Velveeta cheese product
  • Cracker Barrel Cheese
  • Cheez Whiz processed cheese
  • Breakstone’s sour cream
  • Breakstone’s cottage cheese
  • Knudsen Sour Cream
  • Knudsen Cottage Cheese

Target is also having a 75% clearance on their toys, so I got 7 items (for Christmas gifts, various kids birthday presents...) for 16.94. I saved 77.98! And a couple of the toys I bought were ones I had already been looking for, for Jonathans birthday or Christmas present. So that part of my Christmas shopping is done, too bad he's the easiest one to shop for ;)


Once again, time gets away from me... at least its only 2 months this time! Anyways, thought I'd fill you in on whats been going on.

Jonathan has been in his big boy bed for a little over a month now! He hasn't had any problems with it, or been upset when switching; He was definitely ready. The only problem I have with it is that he likes to get up early, come in our room on my side of the bed and say, "Wake up!" and "Downstairs!" Luckily, he usually has no problem with me taking him back to his bed for a little bit more sleep. Because "Mama" needs more sleep lol.

Jonathan has been on a growing spurt these last couple of months. He is now 36 inches tall! :) He's getting so big; he's definitely not a baby anymore!

I am just about to start potty training him. Not sure how thats going to work, but he's interested. I wish I knew more about how to go about it so that it goes quickly (although I've heard with boys its a LONG process....). Anyways, he'll be starting in just a few days I think.

Nathan has been going to school this summer at OSU. He only has a couple weeks left, then he gets a month and a half long break! I'm excited about him not having to worry about homework or quizzes or midterms or finals for a little bit. I think we are going to try to go camping in LaPine during it. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be making it to Boise. I wish we could go, but the longest amount we could go for is 3 days, and thats not long enough when you count travel time. When Nathans done with school, we should be able to get to Boise AND Ohio for a bit. That will be nice.

As for todays events, I will cover them in a new post. But I had an awesome shopping trip today :)

On another note, I think there are a few mosquitoes that had quite a lunch today, at my expense. And apparently they prefer right arms to left arms... Just an observation... (Scratch scratch scratch...)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Clean room

Ok, so you would never know Jonathan liked a clean room if you looked in the living room, there are toys ALL over the floor. But, he HAS to have his bedroom clean (which is fine with me, I hope he keeps it up!). Before he can go to bed, all the small toys have to be put in his bucket, and the others put in the right spot. He did that today a little before naptime. But he missed one (a stuffed bunny). I had already put him in bed and was saying goodnight and shutting the door before I saw it. So I decided to leave it, and hoped he would go to sleep and not notice it. Nope... I went downstairs and soon heard over the baby monitor, "Put it away! Put it away!" So I went back upstairs, opened the door, and he points to the bunny and says, "Put away?" I said, "You wanted me to come all the way back here to put away your bunny??" And he smiled, and said, "Yes!"  So I put it away for him and he laid back down, and is sleeping as I write this. What a funny kid :)

Friday, April 30, 2010


Today is day 8 of my silly little experiment- and so far it seems to be working! The past 6 nights when I put Jonathan to bed, I've been telling Jonathan he can sleep in if he wants to. (Obviously it's more for my benefit than his!) And he slept in each day till at least 8 am! (This is a boy who LOVES to wake up at 6-7 am.) Last night was day 7, and I forgot about my experiment. I had Nathan take him up to bed, so he wasn't told he could sleep in. And he didn't. So, I told him tonight he could sleep in tomorrow. I am hoping he does, because I love to sleep in, and those days (besides this last week) have been very few and far between! :)

(And I know this is a silly thing to track... but I am SOOO not a morning person, so anything helps!)

Friday, April 2, 2010


So I have been very serious about couponing since the middle of February. I can't believe I haven't done it earlier! (Well besides the fact that I didn't know how, till I read a few blogs.) I have been able to save a LOAD of money in just the month and a half I've been doing it. From what I've learned, its all about "stockpiling" the stuff you know you will need and have to buy anyways, but doing it when there are sales, coupons and/or catalinas available to save the most amount of money.

A few weeks ago, I bought enough cereal for my family to last awhile (months!), and bought some for my sister, brother and parents too! I think the total I ended up buying was 70 boxes, and got them all for $4 (cost of buying coupons on ebay) -.05 cents. How did I do that you ask? I used A LOT of coupons, combined with doubles (at Albertsons), and a catalina to boot! I spent 3.95 for the first transaction (5 boxes of cereal per transaction), then got a $4 catalina back, which I just kept rolling till I got the amount of cereal I wanted, and ended up with a $4 catalina back to spend on something else I needed (hence the -.05 I wrote earlier. I ended up with .05 cents more than I spent!)

Another sale I just did was at walgreens. I would never ever buy dove products without coupons or a sale- the brand is just too expensive. But this last week the store had a GREAT sale. Buy shampoo or conditioner for $4, then get $4 back to spend on your next shopping trip! So basically the shampoo/conditioner is free! Plus, if you have coupons and use them, your spending less out of pocket! (I paid $2-2.75 for the shampoo and conditioner I got, and received $4 back on each. The only difficulty with the sale is that you have to have the ability/time/patience to do a bunch of transactions. After I realized how much I'm saving, I definitely have the patience to get back in line for more transactions! Oh and the body wash was 2/$12 and when you spend 12 dollars you get $4 back, so with coupons it makes for a great deal. I'll write down all that I bought at Walgreens, and you tell me if it was a great deal or not! (I don't think I bought one item without a coupon!)
2 dove shampoos
2 dove conditioners
4 dove body wash
1 deodorant
24 pack of bottled water
After all coupons and adding back the catalinas that I received I spent a total of: $2.83. For all of it!

So now I will stop bragging (haha) and just let you know, from time to time I will mention a few things I saved on, and I hope I can show you how easy it is to save money, especially where you might not think you can! (Geesh I sure sound like I'm selling something huh?) Anyways, now its getting late, and I need to sleep! Tomorrow Jonathan and I are going to a birthday party for a friend of ours (Isaac, he's turning 2!).  Today Jonathan and I bought him some hot wheel cars, Jonathan picked them out. But even though I explained (over and over!) that these were for another boy, he still bawled when I started wrapping them tonight. I am sure that Jonathan will be glad to "help" his little friend play with the cars at the party!  Ok, now I'm really stopping. And hoping to get to bed before midnight for once! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010


Today I found out just how well Jonathan could walk up the stairs. Usually when we go upstairs, he holds the banister, and I walk behind him just in case he falls. Today he had his play phone, and he was holding it with both hands. I thought he'd let go with one hand to grab the banister, but he didn't. He just started walking up those stairs, not holding on to anything! And he climbed the stairs the whole way like that. Its just crazy how big he's getting, and see all the things he's able to do now!

Rachel came and got him this morning and hung out with him in Salem for a bit. I came in later to pick him up. I don't know why I haven't gotten Rachel to do this earlier! It was so nice actually having a bit of daytime to myself for once! He had fun too; she took him to get hot chocolate, then to the park/carousel, walked around for a bit and shopped. I think it was good for Rachel too, sometimes when I'm around he just wants me, but without me there she had a lot more quality time with him.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So.... I lied, apparently I didn't keep this updated... I can't believe the last post was dated last October! But, instead of boring you with 5 months worth of old news, I will just update you quickly.

Jonathan turned 2 years old in December, and he is talking A LOT! It is so fun to just watch him. He gets excited about the littlest things, and a lot of the time he is the happiest kid I have ever seen! He absolutely loves going to the beach, always wants to go see his "papas" and "Chull". He's nervous around Matt, but he's fine as long as he can keep an eye on him! I'm sure by the time harvest comes around, Jonathan will want to be on that combine riding with him. :) He also really loves church. He's bonded with quite a few people there and is always excited to go see them.

He is learning a lot about where he lives, and about different animals too. I got him some flash cards with wild animals on them; we go thru them and he can tell me what a bunch of them are. One of his favorite animals is the manatee, don't ask me why! But he also knows bobcat, snake, mouse (actually kangaroo rat, but I'm letting that slide lol), deer, skunk, wolf, otter, chipmunk, whale, alligator, beaver, bear, blue marlin, and cougar! (And those are just from the flashcards, there are many other animals that he knows that aren't included in the flashcards!) I go through a lot of things with Jonathan and I think its just amazing how much he learns, and just how much it sinks in so that he remembers it. He is such a smart kid! Not to brag or anything ;)

Jonathan got his hair cut about 2 weeks ago; it was getting so long and unmanageable lol. But I took him to the barber, and told him not to give him a buzz cut, and guess what he got? A buzz cut! I was not very happy, but his hair will grow out, which I'm waiting for haha... then we'll just go somewhere else... or I'll try my hand at cutting it!

Ok, I will TRY(!!!) to keep this updated more often! :) The picture below is not the most current one, it was taken in early January when we went to the beach with Kathy (Nathans mom). It is however the most current one on my computer!