Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pulling up...standing...falling!

The pulling up is no longer cute! Well, I guess its still cute, but Jonathan doesn't know how to get down after standing. He will pull up on everything and stand up. But when he's done standing, he doesn't know how to sit down, so he'll just fall over like a tree! Face first! I don't know how to teach him to "fall correctly" lol. I have to be right next to him all the time so he doesn't get hurt, but I think now he's relying on me to catch him. I've countlessly tried to show him to plop down on his behind, but the next time he's up, he just tries falling face forward again! If anyone has ANY ideas of what to do, let me know :) Please!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8 months old!

So Jonathan is 8 months old now... its almost unbelievable lol what a big boy he's getting to be (and I know at 8 months he's not THAT big, but still! Its hard to believe that he used to be IN me lol)! I haven't blogged for a bit, so I need to list the new things he can do! He has started pulling up on everything and standing! He still doesn't have very good balance, but its so cute to watch him figure out how to grab onto things and pull up to a standing position. He's a strong little boy! He sometimes also takes a few steps when standing. He also is crawling more- and faster! If I put him down, within seconds it seems like he's where he's not supposed to be lol. And now he has 4 little teeth- two on bottom and two on the top, although the two on top are slower to come in than the bottom ones. They still are barely thru. Jonathan seems like he's changing everyday, growing more and more in lots of different ways. His face is constantly looking more and more like a toddler and less like a baby. When he smiles, its different. It's hard to explain but he grins more I guess. And most of the time he's a very happy baby- which is nice lol. :)

This past weekend, I took Jonathan to my parents house. They bought a little kiddie pool for him, and I wanted Jonathan to be able to wear the cute swim trunks and matching hat that my sister had bought for him before he grew out of them. Well as it turned out there was no need to worry, the trunks were a little large lol and kept falling down! But I got some really cute pictures of him playing in the water. He loved it! But he didn't stay in very long. I'm sure he would have stayed in the pool longer if someone had been in the pool with him, but I still don't have a swim suit that fits my post-pregnancy body lol :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Joking around...

Jonathan is such a happy baby and he is starting to really be able to joke around. Its so funny! Tonight I was trying to get him to relax to go to sleep and Nathan started playing with him. Nathan does this a lot; he'll take Jonathans' pacifier and put it in his own mouth. When Jonathan sees him with it, he just has to take it back. But then tonight, after he took the pacifier from Nathan he would laugh (a lot) when Nathan opened and closed his mouth a bunch (to show Jonathan he was trying to get the pacifier back)! And then Jonathan would look like he was going to give it back to Nathan, and then take it back at the last second. After that he would laugh and laugh and laugh! It was so hilarious to hear him laugh so much! And it didn't seem like a baby laugh, it seemed like a little boy laugh. Nathan and I laughed so much with him too! Nathan and Jonathan played like that for at least 10 minutes, laughing the whole time :) It was really really cute!