I thought I would write down the words that Jonathan can say now. The list is slowly getting longer and longer :)
Mama or Mom
Orange (orag)
banana (nananana...etc lol)
Hi (his new pickup line for waitresses, cashiers... lol)
outside (side! side!)
hot (when I tell him something is hot, he'll say it back to me, but he'll whisper it lol)
eye (as he pokes me in the eye lol)
peas (peesh)
juice (jui, sounds like jew)
I probably forgot a few lol. Its interesting that he can say only these words so far, but he understands probably everything that we say to him. Its actually amazing to me! He will go to the refrigerator if he wants his milk, but if its in the living room already I'll say to him, "Your milk is in the living room," and he will run in there and find it. I'll tell him "lets go upstairs," and he knows exactly where to go. I dare not say the words, "out" or "outside" unless I'm actually taking him outside because he LOVES to go outside! If I say, "say hi to ______," he will wave (eventually lol). And when we are outside, and I tell him, "Grandma and Grandpas house," he will take off across the driveway to see them. :) We went to a sandwich place today and they had a train that travels around the room. I showed him the train and told him what it was once. After that, all I had to say was "train" and he would look for it right away.
I love seeing him learn so much and grow from being a helpless baby to a very (VERY) energetic little boy!
He's so cute! Pretty soon I'm going to turn into one of those obnoxious people going, "Johnathan, say 'nessa'. Say 'nessa!'" haha
And I'm a dork and spelled Jonathan wrong! I meet too many kids who spell their names weirdly! I've meet some Jonathans that spell it "Jonhaton" So yeah. That's all.
You've known Jonathan for 16 months, and you still get his name wrong?! lol! btw, he can also say the words moon, cheese, and uh oh :)
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